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Fossil Garden

Fossil Garden

Crystal Castle’s Fossil Garden offers a rare and captivating glimpse into our earth’s ancient past. Explore an array of rare, beautifully preserved fossils, each millions years old and telling a unique story of life long ago. 

Nestled in the gardens

The Fossil Garden, nestled within Shambhala Gardens, features an extraordinary collection of fossils dating back 145 to 500 million years. Wander through and uncover these ancient treasures scattered throughout the gardens.

Ancient conifers

The youngest fossils are from the Jurassic period 145 million years ago. Located close by the Crystal Guardians, you’ll find what looks like logs lying on the grass. But look closer – they are actually fossilised ancient conifer trees which have been buried for many years with sediments rich in volcanic ash and lava.

500 million year old Orthoceras

Around 500 million years ago, an extinct nautiloid cephalopod called Orthoceras thrived in what is now the Sahara Desert, then an ocean. These fascinating creatures lived in shells, using tentacles to catch food and jet propulsion to move. Today, they are immortalised in bedrock, and a stunning carving of these ancient beings can be admired in our Fossil Garden.

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