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Dragon Egg

A giant crystal you can sit in!

Our Dragon Egg is a naturally encrusted royal amethyst geode from Uruguay. It is also 120 million years old, just like our Giant Treasure Chest, and weighs an impressive 10 tonnes.

Every crystal lover’s dream

A truly unique and mesmerising experience, you can actually sit inside our extraordinary Dragon Egg. 

This large crystal cave, filled with countless sparkling amethyst points, allows you to be inside and completely surrounded by the serene beauty of a stunning natural wonder.

Amethyst all around

Weighing the equivalent of two adult elephants, this magnificent amethyst cave geode has a perfect deep purple colour that is extremely rare. 

he crystals within glow softly in the sunlight, creating a serene atmosphere that’s ideal for relaxation, meditation, or simply admiring its mesmerising beauty.

A crystal blessing

After finding some of the largest crystals in the world in 2016, Crystal Castle Founder Naren King and his daughter Ayla (pictured here) embarked on a mission to South America with an intent to fulfil every crystal lover’s dream – to sit in a crystal cave. 

They brought this geode here so guests could experience what it’s like to be enveloped in an amethyst crystal, soaking up the peaceful vibrations of this stunning piece.

Ideal for children

“Mummy, it feels like peace in there…” one young visitor was overheard to say. 

The exquisite beauty and energy of the Dragon Egg is perfect for children to experience. 

It’s a calming environment that’s ideal for simply sitting, exploring the beauty of nature and connecting with the peaceful vibrations of amethyst. 

And getting that perfect photo, of course!

Related Experiences

The Enchanted Cave

Giant Treasure Chest

Rosie & Reflexology Path

Giant Cocoon

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Nothing is Impossible

As you watch the captivating story of Crystal Castle unfold,
you’ll learn more about our Dragon Egg.