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Crystal Sound Healing: Harmonise Your Mind, Body and Soul
This blog post explores the incredible benefits of Crystal Sound Healing at Crystal Castle & Shambhala Gardens.
Step into Serenity: Discover the Power of Mindfulness Walks
In this blog post, we will explore the steps to embark on a mindfulness walk here at Crystal Castle, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Byron Bay hinterland.
Experiencing the Power of Meditation
This article may offer some insights on the benefits meditation and how to use it to nourish yourself.
The Art of Listening for Children
Crystal Castle is a place to listen for the sounds of nature and lose yourself in the details of all the magic on display.
Autumn: How to Embrace the Season of Change
Autumn can be a powerful time for spiritual reflection, letting go and growth.
Ten Things to do at the Crystal Castle
Crystal Castle is a place that celebrates the beauty and magic of crystals and other natural elements.
Using Crystals To Promote Inner Peace
When we are at peace, everything in our lives gets easier, difficulties can be overcome, our health gets better, and disagreements get resolved. When we cultivate inner peace, we help create world peace as our inner state impacts all those around us. Crystals are a fantastic addition to your personal stress-relieving routine, including meditation, yoga, […]